• Key Business
  • Strengthen Industrial Foundations

Key Business

Strengthen Industrial Foundations

We solidify the industrial base by implementing projects in relation to IP protection, high skilled human resource training and standardization activities.

Patent Dispute Response Program

This program is to help SMEs that have received a warning letter of license infringement from a standard patent owner and expect a dispute or currently are in a trial. Services to establish strategies, analyze relevant patents and cope with disputes through a professional patent attorney such as negotiation for proper royalty estimation are available in this program.

* This Image is created by ChatGPT 4.0

In addition, this program operates its own system of ‘patent information searcher’ and ‘patent analyst’ certification to train patent experts needed in companies.

Future-Ready Human Resources
Development Program

This program plays a role as the human resource development committee in the electronics industry (ISC, Industrial Skills Council) as designated by Korean government. It is to coordinate the common standard between the academic and industrial circles and to establish the mid/long-term direction for human resource training.

* Industrial Skills Council (ISC) : Aims to eliminate gaps between academia and industry and pursue industry-led human resource development

This program includes professional technician training courses for top-level and on-site human resources not only in areas of future automobiles such as autonomous driving and urban air mobility but also in areas of metaverse, practical manufacturing, and so forth.

International & Korean Standards
Development Program

This program is to play the role as a COSD (Cooperating Organization for Standards Development) in the area of electrics and electronics as designated by Korean government. Its function includes international standardization in such areas as home appliance accessibility, connected home, AAL (Active Assisted Living), 3D data processing as well as establishment and revision of Korean standards (KS) such as environmental standardization for electric products.

Statistics and Information Service

This service is to provide customized statistical services in reference to market data and 5 types* of government-approved statistical data such as ICT major item trend surveys, ICT human resource trend surveys, etc.

* Major survey items: the yield and export scale of semiconductors, displays, computers, home appliances, and TVs; and the scale and fluctuation of workforce in the information and communication broadcast equipment industry

This service also includes regular publication of industrial trend and issue reports on such topics as smart home, metaverse, future automobile, Technical Barriers of Trade (TBT ), etc.